Marko Košir was born in 1946 and is a graduated mechanical engineer. He had worked in TAM and TVM in Maribor as the designer of commercial vehicles and buses. He was a member of the Federal Commission JUS for commercial vehicles and a member of the commission at the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Slovenia for the implementation of technical regulation for the UNO and EU. He took part at several expert meetings in Slovenia and abroad. Ever since he can remember, he has enjoyed everything connected with music and railway in Slovenia and abroad. He is a writer of expert literature and has his own COBISS researcher number 15612.

Marko Košir has written the following books:

2010 Od železne ceste do…

2010 Jakov Cipci - umetniško življenje

2011 Drago Mario Šijanec – Mariano Drago – tujec v dveh domovinah

2013 Železniška proga Šentilj – Zidani Most

2013 Mariborske operne zvezde

2014 Lovro Matačić v Sloveniji.